Quickly Notification Shortcuts v1.0.0.1: 4.1
Quickly Notification Shortcuts v1.0.0.1: One Polices 55 best new apps!
Quickly simple app notification notification drawer filled shortcuts application launcher .
Once , exp notification .
The nice thing Quickly Notification Shortcuts v1.0.0.1 Quickly runs background, and system resource 800kbs notification. Its lightweight remain.
If youre using a Android 4.1 use a pinch-to-expand gesture when .
"This addon uses pinch motions, motions. pinch from center to edge area , edge to center it."
Whats Quickly Notification Shortcuts v1.0.0.1 : (Updated : Apr 15, 2013)
Implement URL shortcut creator. Implement ability background colors of row. Implement ability /remove icon backgrounds. Quickly Notification Shortcuts v1.0.0.1 bug where listview item icons would spin load. Fix overall performance .
Quickly Notification Shortcuts v1.0.0.1:
Quickly Notification Shortcuts v1.0.0.1:
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