Pubg mobile star challenge (pmsc) championship is a tournament held by the pubg mobile project that focuses on celebrity streamers from 6 global tournament areas. the participating streamers will be examined for their popularity as well as game skills.. Pubg mobile halloweeks events! drop in and stay alive!. Pubg mobile is hosting yet another global tournament, the pubg mobile star challenge. players from six regions will duke it out for fame and a $600,000 prize pool..
Pubg mobile tournament itgc. loading... unsubscribe from itgc? pubg mobile wtf and funny moments episode 13 - duration: 10:06. mobile battle royale 1,282,635 views. 10:06.. Participate in online pubg mobile tournament at ultimate battle. join in for the fun and win exciting prizes every week.. Tencent and pubg corp. announced details for a lavish upcoming “pubg mobile” tournament known as star challenge. star challenge will pit players who compete in the mobile version of.