Pubg mobile competition live streaming pubg mobile tournament live pubg mobile star challenge live pubg mobile live. The use of items not obtained through pubg-approved in-game methods (excluding official rewards) or unannounced items is prohibited. if players violate this rule, it will be treated as hacking. the team will be disqualified from the tournament and the prizes.. Pubg mobile is hosting yet another global tournament, the pubg mobile star challenge. players from six regions will duke it out for fame and a $600,000 prize pool. the pmsc finals will take place.
The grand finals will be held in bangalore, as we all now pubg mobile is india’s most downloaded and played online game, and the competition will witness more than 1000 colleges from 30+ cities. Before bluehole managed to break onto smartphones with pubg mobile, a plethora of inspired games flooded the market in an attempt to ride the wave of popularity. Tencent and pubg corp. announced details for a lavish upcoming “pubg mobile” tournament known as star challenge. star challenge will pit players who compete in the mobile version of.